Beyond true holiday emergencies like kitchen fires and sledding accidents, there are other, more minor issues that still have the potential to cause panic. Like, how long should I cook my turkey? And how do I know it’s really done?
Fortunately, solving your turkey emergency is only a (free) phone call away. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourages anyone with questions about anything meat, poultry or egg-related to call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline.
The line is staffed with food safety and nutrition experts. Since debuting in 1985, the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline has answered more than two million phone calls related to the safe storage, handling and preparation of meat, poultry and eggs. Today, you can even email your question or request a live chat session.
Experts will be there from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day to help you avoid a turkey emergency. As you can imagine, the experts have helped people in some pretty interesting turkey emergency situations. They collected five of the most memorable ones on their blog. Read them for a laugh–and a lesson on what not to do this Thanksgiving.
Read the source article about the top five Thanksgiving turkey fails and get helpful food safety tips at foodsafety.gov.
To round out your Thanksgiving reading, check out our posts about Hosting Thanksgiving and Prepping Your Kitchen for Thanksgiving. And make sure everything in your home is covered this holiday and beyond. Call Doug Salemi today to see what Erie is all about.